Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance HP

Governance at Future’s Grasp

Concepcion Industrial Corporation (“CIC” or the “Company”) and the CIC group of companies (the “Group”) believe that the key to long-term sustainability and success largely depends on having a good name and solid reputation in the market place. Thus, the business and operations of the Company and the Group will be conducted in accordance with the principles and best practices of good corporate governance. As a publicly listed company, the Board of Directors has formally adopted a Corporate Governance Manual (the “Manual”) that incorporates the established governance policies and practices in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including the Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly Listed Companies. The amended Manual was approved and adopted by the Board of Directors on February 12, 2020 to incorporate current regulations. Through this Manual, the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) aims to promote adherence and further strengthen the Group’s commitment to good corporate governance. The Philippine Revised Corporation Code (the “Corporation Code”) lays down the basic legal framework for corporate governance of every Philippine corporation. It is supplemented by the Securities Regulation Code or Republic Act No. 8799 (the “SRC”), the rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) to implement Republic Act 8799 and the Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly Listed Companies or SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 2016 ( the “CG Code”), this Manual, and the charters of the Board Committees. All terms defined herein shall have the definitions given in the rules implementing Republic Act 8799.

Board Brilliance:

The Company supports the principle and regulatory mandate of check and balances across the entire Group by its observance of the segregation of powers, independence of audit, compliance and risk management functions. In the context of good governance, the Company’s Corporate Governance Manual defines the roles and responsibilities of the Board and Key Management Officers of the Company, through which the Company shall implement good governance practices.


Board of Directors

Directorial Dynamics

The CIC Board of Directors is responsible for fostering the long-term success of the Company and securing its sustained competitiveness and profitability consistent with the corporate objectives and long-term best interest of the Company, its stockholders, and other stakeholders.

Explore Board of Directors

Board Committees

Strategic Forces

Board Committes were established by CIC to enhance governance and strategic oversight. Comprising of directors who are in themselves experienced professionals, each committee focuses on key areas, ensuring accountability, innovation, and sustainable growth.

Explore Board Committees

Corporate Governance Manual

Ever-Forward Guiding Principles

The Corporate Governance Manual was amended on February 12, 2020. It outlines the principles and practices that guide our company's operations.

Related Reports, Policies & Other Materials

Ethics Program

Cultivating Values

CIC and its subsidiaries are committed to the highest standards of business ethics – not only because it is beneficial, but mainly because is right. This commitment goes beyond mere compliance with the law, and demands strict adherence to the Code of Ethics and its principles.

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